Safety from Space was founded in 2018 with the support of the Innovation and Collaboration Centre to engineer new safety solutions for people in remote and hazardous situations. We work with local research and technology organisations to bring about innovation in resilient communications and situational awareness to assist where other systems are too limited in function or susceptible to breaking down during catastrophic event such as the recent bush fires and floods. The work is particularly focused on cost effective solutions for emergency responders and persons in distress, both for terrestrial and extra terrestrial environments. We aim to improve utilisation of existing space assets as well as anticipating planned new constellations for the future.


"The company's vision is for people in distress to always have access to immediate and ready communications when all other options fail, and our aim is to deliver resilient satellite based emergency communications, tailored to the needs of emergency responders and those in distress"


"The Safety from Space focus is on delivering satellite-based solutions which are sovereign and secure and have resilient, bidirectional, low latency communication capability: To provide people in distress with immediate and ready communications when other options fail"


Dr. Mark Rice - Founder


Mark founded Safety from Space in 2018 to make more effective use of existing space segment to assist people in distress, with support from the Venture Catalyst Space Program at the Innovation and Collaboration Centre. Mark researched safety applications utilising miniaturised satellite beacon devices that can be easily carried or mounted on a vehicle. In addition to, and separate from, his role with Safety from Space, Mark holds positions as an adjunct Research Professor with the University of South Australia’s Science Technology Engineering and Maths Unit (STEM) and as a signal processing specialist with the Defence Science and Technology Group. Mark previously was a co-founder of technology start-up DSpace and a Senior Engineering Fellow with Honeywell.

Andrew McLean - Chief Solutions/Business Architect


Andrew drives the definition and delivery of business solutions. Andrew also provides technical and project management support drawing on over 30 years’ experience in the wireless, IoT and embedded software industries. Andrew previously held business development / strategic marketing positions with leading global wireless companies ICO Global Communications, Ubinetics, Qualcomm and MediaTek, and most recently with Adelaide-based automotive solution provider Cohda Wireless.

Professor Gottfried Lechner - Advisory Board Member


Professor Gottfried Lechner is Research Professor at UniSA STEM. His research is on wireless communications with a focus on satellite communications and free space optical communications. Professor Lechner was previously the Centre Director of the Institute for Telecommunications Research and recently served as Research Program Leader "Advanced Communications" in the SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre. Professor is a well recognised contributor in his technology field with more than 90 publications and is a regular invited reviewer for international journal and conference papers.

Gary Shmith - Co-Founder – Advisory Board Member


Gary is an experienced Executive General Manager with an engineering background in satellite systems and end-user products. Gary brings a track record of business leadership, cross cultural negotiation, development and management of both business-to-business and business-to-consumer distribution channels and international expansion through market growth and business acquisition.


Safety from Space works with government agencies, regulatory bodies, emergency responders, technology companies, research organisations, ground infrastructure companies and manufacturers to engineer solutions for future systems. We are always interested to talk with users and clients about the challenges faced. Recent projects include:


For more information on current and planned projects and technology licensing opportunities please contact us using the form below.

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